The 4 Church Functions


The Bible says, “See that you do all I command you; do not add to it or take away from it” (Deut. 12:32). Traditional churches today are not doing “all” that the New Testament church did. They have “taken away” from God’s New Testament church model. And just as bad they have “added” to God’s New Testament church model. As a result the traditional church today is not raising up godly mature men, women or families. Nor is any church turning their city, much less nation, upside down for Christ. Like a marathon runner, if he wears too much or not enough, he will never win a race. The traditional church is not doing all that the New Testament church did, yet at the same time, doing a lot of things that the New Testament church never did. And the church is like a marathon runner that is always losing in its race to reach its city or nation for Christ. Maybe the church should stop all it is doing and do no more and no less than what the New Testament church did when they turned the world upside down for Christ.

If you want to know more about this subject you can order the book by the same author, Church Revolution Today. Over 6,000 house churches were started and over 60,000 people were saved and baptized by Christians who read and followed this New Testament church model and New Testament leadership model written in Church Revolution Today.

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