American Revolution vs. TODAY

In Congress, July 4, 1776

  • The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America
  • When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another…

Was their “Course of human events” MORE “necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another” than our human events today?

All our Forefathers were ready to die, and many did die, to dissolve their political bands from their British brethren. What were their “human events” where it was so necessary for them to even take up arms to separate from their own nation? In short, it was for a lack of freedom and taxation without representation.


  • Were early Americans required for an indefinite time to cover faces to work or be in any public facilities?
  • Were early Americans forced to receive “medical” injections or lose their jobs?
  • Were early American children indefinitely banned from schools?
  • Were early Americans required to allow boys to undress and shower with their daughters in shower and locker rooms?
  • Were early American children required to be exposed to drag queens and pornographic books, called “sex education”?
  • Were early American daughters required to compete with men in sports?
  • Did Britain put laws in place to fine and jail anyone who “offended any person not being called by their preferred pronoun” when contrary to their God given anatomy.
  • Did Britain require American churches to close for an indefinite time, arrest some preachers, and fine others for millions of dollars?

NO, to all the above! No such “human events” ever happened in early America. But all the above and more is what our “King George” and his oppressive rules have enforced on American today.


The early Americans were taking up arms because they had to pay a tax total of under 2%, without representation. Wow is that all! And those taxes were in support of the British soldiers in America protecting the Americans from being massacred by the French and Indians from 1754-1763, in what was called the French and Indian War.

  • Americans today are under a highly unbiblical Marxist, cash redistribution, progressive tax, and tax rates as high as 37%. And today… Americans only grumble.
  • Biden and his anti-biblical Democrats (and a couple destitute RINO’S) are even plotting to make taxes more ungodly.
  • The British tax was used to support their army in defending the Americans, which was not unbiblical.
  • Billions of your U.S. tax dollars for years and still today is used every year to support murdering millions of babies in their mother’s womb: giving a half billion dollars every year to Planned Parenthood, as well as Biden’s Executive Order to only give billions of foreign aid to nations contingent on them supporting abortion genocide clinic/camps.
  • Your U.S. tax dollars today are used to advance nationally and even internationally – sodomy, same sex marriage, transsexualism, military sex changes, and mutilating young children for sex changes.
  • Your U.S. tax dollars promote Marxism and everything else anti-God with our children’s re-education camps, called grade school, middle school, high school, and college. I know of no other government in the world today financing such godless perversions, and these are only some. And every taxpayer is a party to all of this?

There is much more under “FREEDOM” and “TAXES” that we could cover. Moreover, just prior to the Revolution, according to historian Alice Hansen Jones, “Americans had the highest standard of living on earth. They had abundant natural resources, high wages, and cheap land.” Nonetheless, early Americans, mostly all Christians, revolted. But this is not to say that Christian America did not have much legitimate cause to revolt, I believe they did. But that begs the question – if early American Christians had biblical cause to revolt, do we have more today, understanding our “freedom” and “taxes”?

But if our present national nightmare does not move a critical mass of Christians in America to rise up, nothing will until persecution hits them personally, but then it will be too late. Here are our options:

  1. If all Christians mobilized to vote and vote biblically, we could change it at the ballot box, if it is not too late for that with the Marxists Left already controlling a lot of the voting process.
  2. If we are too late for that, a critical mass of Christians in some state need to focus on getting God’s people in civil control of a state and institute God’s Biblical Laws there.
  3. If we are too late for that, we need a critical mass of Christians to focus on a city or if too late for that on a smaller town, controlling the city council, mayor, and county sheriff for the Kingdom of God.
  4. When we are too late for that, Christians will start compromising or being silent, or take up arms, or hide, or be jailed, martyred, or flee.

Patrick Henry was right when he said: “I know of no way of judging the future but by the past.” Are we American Christians today so blind to history that always repeats itself or are we just too “lukewarm” to do anything.

Do we really think the devil will be any different in our age or nation as he continues to gain more control? Jesus made this clear, referring to the devil and his agents – “The thief comes ONLY to kill, steal and destroy” (John 10:10).

Hitler attempted to “nazify” German Protestant Churches. Ministers who resisted were imprisoned, such as Rev. Martin Niemöller, founder of the Confessing Churches. He later wrote:

  • “In Germany they first came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew.
  • Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant.
  • Then they came for me and by that time no one was left to speak up.”

It seems the American churches were stronger in 1776 to foster a righteous revolt. During the American Revolution the British called the Presbyterian churches the “sedition shops!” Their pastors and churches were the catalyst and bulwark for the American Revolution.

In the 18th century, most churches preached as Paul did, “the whole council of God” (Acts 20:27). Have you ever thought or been taught about “the whole council of God”?  Three quarters of the whole Bible, “the whole council of God” (from Exodus to Acts) – is written exclusively in the context for Israel and all nations to obey and honor the Lord God and His moral Law – or what happens to them when they don’t.

Our Forefathers thought for freedom and taxes… there was a cause! When a godless giant was mocking God and His people, young David turned to his brothers and asked them… the same question I keep thinking today (1Sam. 17:29):

“Is there not a cause?”

Yours for “fighting the good fight”,


PS: Have any questions or thoughts?

“For the cause of truth, humility, and righteousness!” (Ps. 45:4)

For all Christian History –

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