Christian Legislators vs. Democracy & Satan

Christian History

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”

Hosea 4:6

Jim & Barb
Jon Dunwell: Iowa House of Rep D38, and C&MA Pastor

Below is some of Jon Dunwell’s post on X in response to a Satanic Temple display in the Iowa State capitol celebration for this Christmas. But Jon’s response as a legislator (much less a pastor), is typical of many naïve Evangelicals. Are they inept biblically – not knowing the Christian’s biblical civil mandate to rule or how to rule? Do they apply God’s civil law, if they even know it – God’s ten commandments, statutes, and judgments. God’s authority and instructions in the Bible are not just for church and family, but there are even more instructions for nation/state today, even Jesus addresses it (Mat. 6:10; 6:33; 28:18).

I will put my responses to Jon in red below. EVERY response has much Scripture to validate each response, but I will not take time here to include all such Scripture. However, you can see it all and much, much more in my book Christian Manifesto:

Ron’s X post below and my responses:

The Satanic Temple display this Christmas in Iowa State Capital

As many of you have become aware, last week a display was erected at the Iowa Capitol by the Satanic Temple of Iowa. As I have responded to concerns from Iowans about the display, I wanted to share with you how the display came to be and my response.

How did it happen?

  • The Capital structure falls underneath the control of the Iowa Legislature. Is Jesus King of kings only in heaven or also here on earth. In fact, there are no other kings in heaven but only here on earth. This is foundational. Who has all supreme authority over the Iowa State Capital? Was He consulted?
  • Currently, access for displays at the Capitol are open to anyone through an application process. Though there are some guidelines, they do not discriminate on the basis of religion or ideology. Did you not know, that according to God’s civil law there is most definitely guidelines to discriminate on the basis of religion and ideology. Read just the first of the ten commandments. Remember, the ten commandments were not just given to a family or even a church, but specifically to a nation to obey and follow. America’s colonies and initially most States after the US Constitution was signed, outlawed all religions other than Protestant Christianity. But most Christians today believe we must be fair and not discriminate. Why, of course, because of some man-made law which we honor more than God and His law.
  • The Iowa Legislature can set the rules and standards for any display. The current operating principle has been to either allow all displays or none. This is the humanist model – all or none. This was not how our nation was founded. But really that does not matter. What the Bible says is ALL that matters, for ALL things, and for ALL times.

My Observations and Response as an Iowan, State Representative, and Pastor.

  • My observation as a follower of Christ, I certainly find a display from the Satanic Temple objectionable. It stands in direct opposition to my faith and would be classified as evil. Not a new experience for me or my family. The Word of God continually warns about the dangers in our world. In fairness, many other religions or nonreligious people have the same perspective about Christianity. Jon says some nice things here, but do you see how he, as other Christians, are blind to God and His Word? “In fairness…”, what did he just say here? In essence, he is saying, to be fair we must share with other religions, even with the Satanic Temple. But God said, “I will not share My glory with another nor My praises with graven images.” Jesus said, “I came to bring division.” There will either be one nation under God or under gods. But God will never share.
  • My observation as an Iowan and a State Representative, I don’t want the state evaluating and making determinations about religions. I am guided by the First Amendment of the US Constitution. How naïve! He and his state representatives have already made “state evaluating… determinations about religions.” By their very laws they have already evaluated all religions as the same. All are equal in the eyes of the State, all can display equally, even the Satanic Temple. They have more specifically embraced the Baha’i religion, which accepts all religions. But according to God and the Bible – all religions are Satanic except the worship of Jesus as Lord and Christ. Sadly, too many Christians worship the First Amendment of the US Constitution above God and His Word/Constitution. You worship whatever guides you.

My response as a follower of Christ…

  • The display is an inanimate object that has no real power in and of itself. We have nothing to fear. Jon, that is intrinsically true with all idols. But God destroyed Israel and whole nations based on their allowance of inanimate objects of worship. If you justify this Satanic Temple display in your State Capital being just an inanimate object, you need help as a legislator, and especially as a “pastor”.
  • Oppose the message of the display. It is not just another way to worship the same god. There are DIFFERENCES that need to be pointed out. The display glorifies the evil influence we oppose. This is nice what you wrote here but what action as a legislator did you take. Did you filibuster against it? Did you mobilize any legislators to have a walkout or Press Conference or anything, other than writing this nice post on X to appease your Christian constituents?
  • The primary response required is prayer. Prayer is always good, but that is no substitute for obedience or action that God commands. I can’t help but wonder if God is looking for a civil leader today like Gideon, who got ten men to help him tear down the Satanic idol of Baal in his hometown. Then God gave him power and influence to rally thousands of God’s people to raise up and overthrow the ungodly. Why don’t thousands of Iowan Christians march to the Iowa Capital in protest. The Christian Protestant Reformation, upon which the foundation of our nation was founded, derived their name “Protestant” from the word “protesters.” Today the Marxist Left are the “Protestants” and naïve Christians think God wants us to share power with them, as if democracy with unbelievers supersedes God and clear Scripture to the contrary.
  • The display itself is an invitation of the work we have yet to do. Iowa needs Jesus. That certainly is true, but what does that mean to Jon? If it means everyone needs to hear the gospel, that’s certainly true. But individual salvation is different than the State and what God wants for the State. To “save” the State and have the blessing of God, it’s mandatory to have God’s civil Law put in place and “used correctly” (1Tim. 1:8-11 NLT).
  • The display provides a teaching example for our families of the difference between the person and work of Christ and that of Satan. (Love, light and sacrifice compared to a dark, foreboding creature). Jon, based on this logic, you should then support the next “teaching example” … when homosexuals come to put on display their teaching example of sodomy – sexual perversion.
  • My faith is never imposed upon others, nor should it ever become a direct part of government. It is always a response to the person and work of Jesus Christ. I don’t want to mix the kingdoms! Government is a poor arbitrator of religion. Wow, this is the problem. “Faith to never be imposed upon others”?? In the New Testament the apostle Paul was constantly trying to “persuade others” and “warning everyone”. But even worse and imbecilic, when Jon thinks it’s wrong to have his “faith… become a direct part of government.” So who’s “faith” is to be a direct part of our government – the Socialist, the Marxist, the Humanist, the Communist, the Atheist, the Satanic Temple, etc.? All civil governance is based on someone’s belief of what is right or wrong. If the Bible’s Ten Commandments, Statutes, and Judgments are not the basis for what is right or wrong in civil law, it will always be some other unbiblical civil law. It can’t be both at the same time. But Jon says, he doesn’t “want to mix the kingdoms!” That’s right, there are two kingdoms, and they will not mix. Throw out the “kingdom of darkness” where Satan and his servants rule and put in the “Kingdom of His beloved Son” where Jesus and His servants rule (Col. 1:13). That is why the apostle Paul said Jesus Christ is to be the King of kings. There is one nation under God, being ruled by God according to His Word with His civil servants, or a nation voluntarily abdicated by naive Christians for unbelievers to rule, who are all under Satan, the devil (1John 3:10). There is no mixing. It is one or the other (2Cor. 6:14-16). And the apostle Paul declared only Jesus as Sovereign: HE who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords (1Tim. 6:15).

My response as a State Representative

  • Review the guidelines to ensure they represent our constitutional rights. Jon, here again lies the problem. You may think you are to be the representative of the people and thus follow their guidelines, but God says civil servants are to only represent Him and His Word for ruling (Romans 13:4; 2 Chronicles 19:6).

If you’re a Christian civil leader or want to influence Christian civil leaders in following the Bible, you may reply to this email in requesting a free copy of Jim’s e-book:

Christian Civil Rulers

“Why You MUST & How You CAN

Rule for The Kingdom of God!”

Why You MUST Rule for The Kingdom of God!

As a Christian civil ruler or civil leader, am I not responsible for obeying and ruling according to the constitution and laws of my city or nation-state? NO! Not according to God and all the Bible – not if that constitution or laws are not according to God’s Law. Jesus, the 12 Apostles, and Paul were faced with this very same question time and again. When there was conflict between God’s Law and their civil law, constitution, or authorities – what did they do …

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