Why Jesus Came

Christian History

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”

Hosea 4:6

Jim & Barb

Jesus said, The Son of Man came to seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10). Those of us who have been saved know that nothing in this world compares to being saved.

But Jesus also said, “Fellow Me and I will make you a fisher of men” (Mat. 4: 19). Those who follow Jesus also know that nothing in this world is more meaningful, fulfilling, and exciting than to fish for men… in essence to live as Jesus lived, to seek and save the lost in telling them about the Good News.

One of the most exciting things I have done all my life and still do, is to share the Good News with University students. Students are very open with anyone sharing the Gospel with them, whether you’re 22 or 72. I thought you might be interested in one affective approach that we use – a Survey & 5 Spiritual Absolutes. You can use it with anyone, and I hope you do – follow Jesus with me in being “a fisher of men”!

Student Life Spiritual Survey

  1. Your first name and year? (Write it down & say their name often.)
  2. What do you most identify with spiritually, or with what denomination, or with what church? (Write it down. Now you know how they think.)
  3. Do you know what the #1 best-selling book is this year? (Write it down. Let them know that the Bible has literally been the #1 best-seller every year since the invention of the printing press.)
  4. As a student have you ever read the whole Bible? (Write yes or no.)
  5. In the Bible who were Jesus’s worst enemies? (Write down what they say, then let them know that it was the religious people.)
  6. In the Bible what type of people were Jesus’s best friends? (Write down what they say, then let them know that it was former prostitutes, drunkards, revolutionaries, and young fishermen.)
  7. Does the Bible say Jesus came to start a religion? (Write down what they say, then let them know that Jesus did not come to start any religion.)
  8. The last question – If Jesus did not promote religion, what specifically did Jesus do and say that would affect your life today? (After this last question say: “This final question of the Survey is the most important answer to know. What’s called the 5 Spiritual Absolutes answers this question. Would you like to see it?” If they say, “no”, thank them for taking the survey. Those who say, “yes”, move to sit beside them so you can lead them in viewing the 5 Spiritual Absolutes from your phone or laptop:
